Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Speak For Once

I want to share one of my favorite poems - probably my most favorite poem.

I recently found it in a box of mementos from my past. I was introduced to this poem by a professor - the first professor I ever had. And he gave it to me (as well as the rest of our class) before our very first college final. Every time I come to it, I feel that it speaks to my core - the center of who I am. You could say that reading this poem reminds me of who I am. Enjoy.

"In the evening we shall be examined on love" (-St. John of the Cross)
And it won't be multiple choice,
though some of us would prefer it that way.
Neither will it be essay, which tempts us to run on
when we should be sticking to the point, if not together.
In the evening there shall be implications
our fear will change to complications. No cheating,
we'll be told, and we'll try to figure the cost of being true
to ourselves. In the evening when the sky has turned
that certain blue, blue of exam books, blue of no more
daily evasions, we shall climb the hill as the light empties
and park our tired bodies on a bench above the city
and try to fill in the blanks. And we won't be tested
like defendants on trial, cross-examined
till one of us breaks down, guilty as charged. No,
in the evening, after the day has refused to testify,
we shall be examined on love like students
who don't even recall signing up for the course
and now must take their orals, forced to speak for once
from the heart and not off the top of their heads.
And when the evening is over and it's late,
the student body asleep, even the great teachers
retired for the night, we shall stay up
and run back over the questions, each in out own way:
what's true, what's false, what unknown quantity
will balance the equation, what it would mean years from no
to look back and know
we did not fail.

-T. Centolella

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