Friday, January 16, 2009

Unpoetic List

It's been a while between my last post and this new one. Since then, I have:

1. Completed my first semester of grad school. (Only three more left! I love how this moves so much faster than undergrad!)

2. Flown home: (having to pay $15 for my checked bag - and it was NOT overweight!)
-seen all of my best friends from high school (minus Kate),
-spent time with my family,
-met my parents' new puppy,
-realized my grandparents are getting older and more dependent,
-helped my 17 year-old cousin look at California colleges, and
-remembered the goodness of God and the amazing ways He has revealed His love to me in San Diego

3. Flown to Seattle: (thankfully Southwest is BOMB and doesn't charge you for baggage! So I checked two)
-got denied service at the Crow,
-ate at a new Thai restaurant with my Jordy,
-rung in the New Year at the space needle (best New Year's ever!),
-met up with my former Ukraine teammates and adventurers,
-had breakfast with my college core group, where I finally met An,
-trekked down the Snoqualmie Falls with the boys from the brother floor (can you believe we met the first week of college and are still friends?), and
-had a great lovefest with all the college roomies in my grandfather's beautiful lakehouse (might be the last time I enjoy that house).
-oh, we also drove through my first snowstorm, had to walk down Grandpa's steep driveway in the snow, in heels, and worried about being snowed in the day before I was supposed to fly back to Oklahoma.

4. Made my much anticipated trip to Austin, TX:
-ate my first Tex-Mex with Sami (completing the core group circle),
-hung out with Katy Klusmeier (such a great girl, so friendly and encouraging!),
-witnessed a liberal city in the South (thank God),
-actually saw people out running for exercise who were over the age of 20 and living in the South,
-listened to some great music,
-made my first male friends since I've moved to the heartland,
-visited Chris Tomlin's old church, and
-began dreaming more seriously of migrating to Austin once finished with my master's.

Now I'm sitting in the office avoiding reading various autobiographies of Malcom X, Nelson Mandela, Maya Angelou, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Benjamin Franklin, and Barbara Walters. This post is already so long, I don't know if I should elaborate on any of it (I love how I think I'm writing to an audience), so I might just end it with that. Though I do wish I could be more creative and poetic than listing my fun events (one reason I thought I would try this blog thing), I find myself already tired and lacking in words. Perhaps I will conclude this post and begin another one, fresh for creativity.

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